The AlleyLux Mission

Finding potential in the unwanted.

We rescue waste and turn it into amazing things. AlleyLux is our solution to unnecessary waste. We want to inspire, educate and create a network of upcyclers, repurposers, and reinventors to spread awareness and keep usable materials out of our landfills.


A boy and his pile of found junk.

Our story starts with Mike Alonzo, an anosmic who developed an appetite for rescuing trash. He has been exploring alleys, climbing in and out of dumpsters, and storing potential for 10 years and counting.

This project stemmed from Mike’s struggle with throwing things away and his compulsion to do something with forgotten items. Inspired by people who could make anything out of anything, AlleyLux was born.

Here at AlleyLux, we are frustrated by the amount of waste that happens on a daily basis and the impact it has on the world around us (not just all the items that end up in our landfills).

We welcome DIY want-to-bes, craftsmen & craftswomen, pickers & upcyclers.
We hope to spread the repurposing bug to others and create a community of reusing/ upcycling.

We want to show the journey from the alley to people’s homes. Making the useless useful again one palette project at a time.

And we hope that this will serve as a practical resource/guide to: repurpose, reuse, recycle.